Cello String Crossings: Three Strings
We can use Three-String Chord Charts to create our own bowing exercises to reinforce the different 3-string crossing bowing (and left-hand) problems that we will find in the repertoire. These chord charts are a lot nicer and more practical than the Sevcik charts (which were taken directly from the violin exercises and are thus not particularly well adapted to the cello).
Very often repertoire passages will use a combination of three and four-string crossings. Depending on the relative frequency of the four and three-string broken chords these mixed passages are included in either the Four-string Crossings section or on this three-string-crossing page.
For practice purposes, we can divide repertoire string-crossing passages involving three strings into several different types, for each of which we offer practice material made up of compilations of exercises, and repertoire excerpts with occasional studies. For the exercises, rather than using open strings or violin chord sequences (Sevcik), we can use the chord charts that are offered above in order to make this technical work more pleasant. Each passage/exercise can be practiced with many different bowings: slurred, separate, mixed, spiccato, etc.
1: REGULAR: Broken chords, in which there is a regular repeating pattern and every string crossing always goes to an adjacent (neighbouring) string:
Regular Broken Chord Passages: EXERCISES Regular Broken Chord Passages: STUDY (Duport Nº 7)
Regular Broken Chord Passages: REPERTOIRE EXCERPTS
2: IRREGULAR: Arpeggio-type figures in which the bow always goes to an adjacent string (when it has a crossing), but in which there are sometimes more than one note per string
Irregular Arpeggio Passages: REPERTOIRE EXCERPTS Irregular Arpeggio Passages: EXERCISES
The subject of crossing (normally jumping) to non-adjacent strings is dealt with on its own dedicated page: